It was a successful enterprise to grow some of the veggies in the greenhouse this year. And since it was our very first time, we planted in it just to see what happenned. We had two rows of cucumbers on trallises, both pickling and slicing types. That was great as I love to pick them this way. I can see where the cucs are growing and if they are still small now, I can come back tomorrow and they will be just the perfect size, not the oversized gigantors that nobody wants to buy (but they are great for juicing, though!).
We also had 4 rows of various types of tomatoes. That went a bit wild since we just couldn't keep up with breaking off the suckers and tieing the vines up.
Two rows of green, red and chocolate bell peppers did beautifully in the greenhouse! I was so pleased to see such awesome harvest of peppers. I was first at the market with them and got a good price per piece. And, of course, my absolutely favorite vegetable, eggplant! We hade about 35 bushes growing and had enough fruits to sell, cook for ourselves, and ferment for the winter.
A hill planted with honeydews, cantalopes and, of course, flowers!